now, thats happening to me.. after doing some prelim research on softs, I think best place to be in for next 6 months is meat industry.. but I am personally a hardcore vegetarian who does not even eat eggs (even in confectionery) but I am in love with the business model and macro factors and the whole industry dynamics.. how do I deal with this? I know I am not buying stock for simple reason I am not trading at all.. but should I pitch a stock which pushes meat consumption whereas I believe in spreading vegetarianism? Rather, should I chase profits by selling my religion and soul? Or should I restrict myself by not making my investor (hypothetically, if I were a fund manager) good returns just because I do not believe in the lifestyle?
Alums, Students and Aspirants, here you go with practical situation... leave the class, help me to face reality... winner shall get the right to receive my next best idea in their inbox..