Thursday, September 11, 2008

MBA - 1 month 1 week later

Extremely bad time to post but I just need to spend some time here blanking out..... I have Eco project to be submitted tomorrow, marketing mid term on monday and statistic presentation on thursday - but still I find its pretty manageable! Tough - yes but not quite impossible!

Well, before you put me in the race of super humans - I am not! Here at NUS - you have set your priorities straight from the day one - what you want to do! There are so many opetions that you have problem of plenty..... Studies is just one aspect in MBA here... If a cap score of 4.5+ (out of maximum 5) is a priority - then you concentrate on your acads from day one because class participation forms a quite a bit of .... Not on my list though!

Now what else - extra currics - but yes this too has huge meaning here - you got your usual organising and business cases and stuff... but what stands apart here is the enormity of the "university" - At uni level, there is so much happening - randomly speaking - you have all sorts of sports (archery) and all sorts of art (operas) and all sort of cult following (how about toast masters club)... Falls somewhere in my list! But yes majorly on usual stuff - havent been able to pick up a sport yet....

And there are companies which come to cmapus day in and day out... so if you wann "network"... you got all the opportunity to do so... and believe me if one clicks - nothing like it!! Coz your job depends upon on you effort - unlike Indian schools where companies come shopping with gunny bags of cash to lure yet-to-enter-corporate-world students... Here, its all about meeting the right people at the right place at the right time!

And ya - party!!! Man, Singapore is big happening place!! The government does not want people to go out in the night coz it stops MRT and bus services and the cabbies charge 35% extra but still the party places are open all night!!! Clarke Quay is a major spot - though I found it too be too hyped up and steep! Just been to Ministry of Sound - and yes it lives up to the name!! If you are a trance fan - this place is must must visit!!

Yea - this is what I have been doing in MBA!!! Coz I see that this is the last time in my life I am really gonna enjoy life! These days wont come back again... your last visit to campus and last bit of freedom before you go back to professional grind.... and sober down a bit when you settle down socially... so for me - MBA is all about having to study very optimally and enjoy my time as much as I can!!


Anonymous said...

Hello Jaimin,
I am an Indian doctor, applying to ISB,NUS,Duke.
In an earlier post you had written that Indian guys with admits from ISB etc. have joined NUS.

I want to come to Singapore, However I have learnt that ISB, IIM are way better than NUS and NUS should be the last choice.
In Singapore, NUS MBA is not given as much respect as is given to ISB MBA in India. MBA from NUS is just considered another degree, and not a major thing in Singapore.

IS it true?? can u tell me why ur batchmates left ISB/IIM to join NUS. Does it offer advantage with respect to career advancement?

thanks a lot

pls reply at

Anonymous said...

Hello Jaimin,
I am an Indian doctor, applying to ISB,NUS,Duke.
In an earlier post you had written that Indian guys with admits from ISB etc. have joined NUS.

I want to come to Singapore, However I have learnt that ISB, IIM are way better than NUS and NUS should be the last choice.
In Singapore, NUS MBA is not given as much respect as is given to ISB MBA in India. MBA from NUS is just considered another degree, and not a major thing in Singapore.

IS it true?? can u tell me why ur batchmates left ISB/IIM to join NUS. Does it offer advantage with respect to career advancement?

thanks a lot

pls reply at

All Talk and No Action said...

this is interesting jaimin...
Would like some insights on this one in the form of a post...

Jaimin said...

insights like what?