Tuesday, October 27, 2009

November Dance

In NUS, we call it November Dance!

All Profs love to see students dance... and dance at their own tunes...

To add to this, the biggest internal event takes place... the council elections (well, everyone knows what is democracy)

To top it up, Cerebration Co-Leads will get in action for all the teams to be as active as they can during the November.... (Hunting'em down)

Get ready to Burn the Dance Floor!

p.s. - a sample post from last year - http://patiencepays.blogspot.com/2008/11/blog-update.html

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

WDI Database

today at internship

Head of Intern (yes, this is his position): NUS has WDI subscription right?
Me: Whats that?? (I am proud of my knowledge about databases NUS Library has and was quite shocked that I dint know about it)
HoI: Its World Development Indicators.
Me: Oh Ok. I dint know.
HoI: No worries. You would not know anyways. Its about poverty alleviation. Your job as an MBA is to widen the gap!

How I wish it was true at this stage!